#include <pango/pango.h>
#include <pango/pangoft2.h>
#include "SDL_Pango.h"
Classes | |
struct | _surfaceArgs |
struct | _contextImpl |
Defines | |
#define | DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY "Sans" |
#define | DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE 12 |
#define | DEFAULT_DPI 96 |
#define | _MAKE_FONT_NAME(family, size) family " " #size |
#define | MAKE_FONT_NAME(family, size) _MAKE_FONT_NAME(family, size) |
#define | DEFAULT_DEPTH 32 |
#define | DEFAULT_RMASK (Uint32)(255 << (8 * 3)) |
#define | DEFAULT_GMASK (Uint32)(255 << (8 * 2)) |
#define | DEFAULT_BMASK (Uint32)(255 << (8 * 1)) |
#define | DEFAULT_AMASK (Uint32)255 |
Typedefs | |
typedef _surfaceArgs | surfaceArgs |
typedef _contextImpl | contextImpl |
Functions | |
int | SDLPango_Init () |
int | SDLPango_WasInit () |
void | SDLPango_CopyFTBitmapToSurface (const FT_Bitmap *bitmap, SDL_Surface *surface, const SDLPango_Matrix *matrix, SDL_Rect *rect) |
SDLPango_Context * | SDLPango_CreateContext () |
void | SDLPango_FreeContext (SDLPango_Context *context) |
void | SDLPango_SetSurfaceCreateArgs (SDLPango_Context *context, Uint32 flags, int depth, Uint32 Rmask, Uint32 Gmask, Uint32 Bmask, Uint32 Amask) |
SDL_Surface * | SDLPango_CreateSurfaceDraw (SDLPango_Context *context) |
void | SDLPango_Draw (SDLPango_Context *context, SDL_Surface *surface, int x, int y) |
void | SDLPango_SetMinimumSize (SDLPango_Context *context, int width, int height) |
void | SDLPango_SetDefaultColor (SDLPango_Context *context, const SDLPango_Matrix *color_matrix) |
int | SDLPango_GetLayoutWidth (SDLPango_Context *context) |
int | SDLPango_GetLayoutHeight (SDLPango_Context *context) |
void | SDLPango_SetMarkup (SDLPango_Context *context, const char *markup, int length) |
void | SDLPango_SetText (SDLPango_Context *context, const char *text, int length) |
void | SDLPango_SetDpi (SDLPango_Context *context, double dpi_x, double dpi_y) |
void SDLCALL | SDLPango_SetLanguage (SDLPango_Context *context, const char *language_tag) |
void SDLCALL | SDLPango_SetBaseDirection (SDLPango_Context *context, SDLPango_Direction direction) |
PangoFontMap *SDLCALL | SDLPango_GetPangoFontMap (SDLPango_Context *context) |
PangoFontDescription *SDLCALL | SDLPango_GetPangoFontDescription (SDLPango_Context *context) |
PangoLayout *SDLCALL | SDLPango_GetPangoLayout (SDLPango_Context *context) |
Copy bitmap to surface. From (x, y)-(w, h) to (x, y)-(w, h) of rect.
Create a context which contains Pango objects.
Create a surface and draw text on it. The size of surface is same as lauout size.
Draw text on a existing surface.
Free a context.
Get layout height.
Get layout width.
Get font description from context.
Get font map from context.
Get layout from context.
Initialize the Glib and Pango API. This must be called before using other functions in this library, excepting SDLPango_WasInit. SDL does not have to be initialized before this call.
Set base direction to context.
Specify default color.
Set DPI to context.
Set language to context.
Set markup text to context. Text must be utf-8. Markup format is same as pango.
Specify minimum size of drawing rect.
Specify Arguments when create a surface. When SDL_Pango creates a surface, the arguments are used.
Set plain text to context. Text must be utf-8.
Query the initilization status of the Glib and Pango API. You may, of course, use this before SDLPango_Init to avoid initilizing twice in a row.